Blush Posy Bouquet

Blush Posy Bouquet

Livermore Florist - Spring Garden Florist


Like a field full of fresh-picked flowers, our blush-toned bouquet is a true delight. A posy of lavender, peach, and hot pink blooms are thoughtfully styled in our exclusive peach quartz mason jar. With its unique honeycomb design, this lovely gift is a breath of fresh air for their home.
• One-sided arrangement with peach roses, hot pink Matsumoto asters, lavender mums and button poms, pink carnations, purple waxflower; accented with assorted greenery
• Artistically designed in our exclusive peach quartz mason jar, featuring artfully textured peach quartz glass with a honeycomb design; garnished with natural raffia; a sweet bee jar great for any space; measures 6.8"L x 4"D